3 Dying Web Design Trends That You Should Retire Already

In 2015, the way your website looks to Internet users may be more important for your business than ever before. Studies show that the average user will make an impression about an entire brand after viewing its website for less than 10 seconds! As a result, you can’t afford to work with PR companies that offer less-than-stellar web design services.
The tough part about keeping a well-designed website is the fact that trends in web design are always evolving. Design elements that were innovative and fresh even three years ago might look dated and stale now. Web users are smart — they’ll be able to tell when a website hasn’t been updated in a long time.
Now more than ever, a website that is packed with outdated graphics and follows dying design trends will make web users go to your competitors’ websites, hurting your business tremendously. Ask any web design company, and they’ll agree. These are the three most outdated web design trends that you need to retire now:
Autoplaying videos and music
If there’s one thing that will make a user close out of a tab in seconds, it’s web pages that have videos or music that play automatically. Many people listen to music while they browse the Internet, or they may be at work and can’t listen to music aloud. Skip the nuisance and distraction of videos and music and keep your website simple.
The term might not be familiar, but you’ve definitely seen a modal before. They’re small windows that pop up on the web page, prompting you to sign up for an email list or perform some other action before you read the content. It’s more than likely that you, just like most people, click out of these modals without doing the suggested action. Given this, why waste people’s valuable time by having your web design company set up modals on your pages?
Doing too much
In today’s web design world, less is almost always more. Don’t pack your pages with flashing graphics, excessive banners and anything else you can think of. Users are looking for information, and they expect to be able to find it quickly. An over-packed website page won’t get the same level of consumer engagement, as a result.
Have any other questions about enlisting the help of a public relations firm, branding company or website designer to improve your website’s look and feel? Ask us anything by leaving a comment below. Find more on this here. Find out more at this site.
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