Does Your Medical Practice Need a Notification Service

By Chad No comments

Text message appointment reminders

One of the worst thing that a medical practice can suffer from is patients not showing up. In certain cases, emergencies happen that, of course, are understandable. However, a large portion of no shows could have easily been prevented. Medical practices that do not send out visit reminders risk an increasing amount of missed visits per month. There is good news, medical appointment reminder service is easy to have set up for your practice. In this post, you will learn about the different appointment options offered for your patients.

  • Medical Appointment Reminder Text: A recent poll was conducted by the Medical Group Management Association concerning medical reminders. In this study, it was reported that 90 percent of practices use a reminder to prevent missed appointments. One common way to remind patients about their next appointment is through medical appointment reminder texts. More people are making the switch over to smartphones. In addition, the vast popularity that mobile phones already have ensured that receiving texts is a common feature. Current phones help to ensure that many patients will be able to receive medical appointment reminder texts.
  • Medical Appointment Reminder Email: You likely know the importance of checking your inbox daily. Sometimes, sending a patient an email is a great way to catch them early on. There could be situations where a patient might not have a phone that is capable of receiving texts. However, email reminders ensure that your practice has multiple options for the convenience of your patients.
  • Automated Medical Reminder Calls: An automated phone call system can ensure your patients get the information they need. In addition, an automated system ensures that a patient doesn’t have to do any of the talking. These phone calls are another example of a popular medical appointment reminder service. Patients not showing up aren’t just problematic, they can also be costly. Studies show that missed medical appointments can add up to a total of $150 billion each and every year.
  • In closing, ensuring that your practice has some form of reminders in place can be quite beneficial. Missed appointments can add up to many lost costs for your office. There are many avenues that your practice can use to ensure patients receive timely reminders. Texts and automated phone calls for patients who always have their phone nearby. Some elderly patients may prefer automated calls instead of text messages. Emails are another popular option that can be used to remind patients of their appointments.

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