The Future of Online File Storage and Cloud Computing

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Distributed file system

The business world is becoming more “virtual” every day. By the beginning of 2014, it’s estimated that over three-fifths of the workloads that servers currently handle will be virtualized (according to Cloud HyperMarket). With an estimated 50 million servers around the world, the amount of data currently stored, processed, and replicated is easily over 3.5 zettabytes (or 3.5 billion billion kilobytes of information). Online file storage just makes sense.

By utilizing cloud object storage and cloud computing, a company can spend less time and money on upfront infrastructure costs, and put more of their focus and energy into actual development. IT departments can design and test software virtually, keeping what works and eliminating what doesn’t, all while maximizing their resources and their work hours.

Not only that, but the software can be continuously monitored and updated in real-time. Adjustments can be made as soon as a problem is detected. Improvements can be suggested, coded, and implemented in a fraction of the time it would take within traditional platforms. Businesses can evolve, quite literally, at the speed of light.

Even maintenance becomes easier and more cost-effective with online file storage and cloud management, making each IT hour more efficient, and ultimately reducing overall IT costs by as much as 50% (according to IBM).

Secure cloud storage solutions are expected to generate a revenue of $180 billion by 2015, and cloud computing revenue could reach $241 billion by 2020. And there’s no end in sight. As storage becomes easier and faster, the possibilities for online file storage and cloud computing will grow exponentially, allowing businesses to do more, faster. Great references here:

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