Unique and Profitable Occupations You Should Know About

When deciding on the career that you would like to pursue, there are so many different occupations that you can choose from which causes this to be the most challenging (yet also most important) decisions that you will make in your lifetime. While some kids may have known what they wanted to be when they grew up since the age of five, you may be among those who are entering college still undecided on a major. Despite the high hopes that your parents have for you, the reality is that not everyone is cut out to be a doctor or a lawyer, but at the same time, your passion for art may not pay the bills. Since you need a job that will generate a paycheck, you may grudgingly lean towards more traditional fields of employment. However, you can think outside the box and still bring in a decent salary.
Maybe you have pursued your current career field for many years only to recently face a series of layoffs within your company. You may now have a family who depends on you or lacks the time and money needed to pursue yet another degree. But do you really want to wait tables or apply at your local supermarket just to continue to make ends meet? The good news is that you don’t have to. There are unique occupational fields that don’t necessarily require much educational background or experience. Surprisingly, these occupations have the added benefit of being potentially profitable career moves.
Bail Bondsman
If you are interested in the field of criminal justice, but lack what it takes to become an attorney, you should consider becoming a bail bondsman. As a bail bondsman, you have the choice of either operating independently or through a bail bond company. A college degree isn’t required to become a bail bondsman, but you would need to obtain a certificate to practice this occupation in the state where you live, be at least eighteen years old, submit to fingerprinting, and provide several forms of documentation.
The tasks involved in working for a bail bond company are fairly simple- except when the defendant skips bail. Then you become a bounty hunter of sorts as you investigate the person’s possible whereabouts so that you can deliver them to court. Otherwise, the job basically entails collecting bail money and filling out paperwork. The typical starting salary for a bail bondsman ranges from $20,000 to $40,000, but more experienced bail bondsmen can bring in over $100,000 annually.
Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry is amongst the careers on this list that does require a college education, but if you are one of the readers who are in school, but undecided on a major, this career choice is sure to make Mom and Pops proud and provide you with a good quality of life. Restorative dentistry is a form of cosmetic dentistry that involves repairing and replacing teeth as opposed to preventative care. It does take hard work and perseverance to pursue a career in dentistry with the majority of dentists having both an undergraduate degree and a Ph.D. in dentistry. Restorative dentists may earn anywhere from $66,000 all the way up to $200,000 annually. If you are interested in the dentistry field but not in the idea of pursuing a doctorate, you may want to consider becoming a dental assistant.
Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have the dedication that’s needed to become a dentist but are more interested in advocating for the person who had their teeth knocked out than you are in pulling and capping their teeth, becoming a personal injury lawyer may be the way to go. Although the terms accident attorney and personal injury attorney are often used interchangeably, the phrase personal injury encompasses a wider array of injuries sustained, not necessarily in automobile accidents alone. Personal injury lawyers represent those who have been harmed in any manner due to another party’s negligence or intentional actions. The justice process commonly involves litigation and seeking compensation for injuries that were the result of product tampering, medical malpractice, or slip and fall. As a personal injury lawyer, you would advocate for your client, file legal paperwork including motions and summons, represent your client in court throughout the legal proceedings, and strive to obtain compensation for your client’s injuries. The salary for a personal injury lawyer is similar to that of a restorative dentist ranging from $60,000 up to $250,000 in some areas.
Automobile Accident Attorneys
This occupation may sound redundant as personal injury was just discussed, but automobile accident attorneys specialize in car wrecks and seek to obtain compensation for damages not limited to personal injury alone. True, your local personal injury lawyer could take a case that involves a person who sustained a back injury due to a car accident, but if their vehicle also sustained substantial damages, an automobile accident attorney may be the most qualified professional to take a case of that nature. If you are interested in pursuing a civil law degree but would rather deal with fender benders than with people who spilled hot coffee or disregarded the wet floor sign at the grocery store, then you may want to become an automobile accident attorney. The job description and salary are about the same as with a personal injury lawyer, but the cases that your firm takes will be narrower in scope.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment Services
This is sadly a booming industry as substance abuse treatment is no longer limited to recovery from the disease of alcoholism alone. With the opioid epidemic sweeping across the nation, an increasing number of young adults are graduating from raiding their parents’ medicine cabinet for painkillers to abusing heroin that is often laced with fentanyl. Addiction affects millions of families worldwide. It could even be affecting your own family without your knowledge. If you want to make a difference in your community and save lives, addiction treatment may be the field for you.
There are several different positions available in the alcohol addiction treatment services field. If you are interested in college, you could become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker which requires a master’s degree, or you could pursue a bachelor’s in nursing and work as an RN. Substance abuse treatment programs also hire CNAs, peer counselors, and mental health technicians. All of these occupations are vital in the field of recovery. Salaries vary depending upon your position with social workers earning an average of $49,000 per year and registered nurses earning an average of $73,000 annually. Some positions such as a technician only pay a competitive hourly wage, but this is a field that you must be passionate about as the rewards go beyond the financial compensation received.
Roofing Repair Services
Provided you are not afraid of heights, roofing repair is another profitable occupation that’s worth considering. While simply applying for a position with an established roofing company will earn you a competitive wage that could range from $16 to $22 per hour, the real money is in owning your own roofing repair services company and landing your own contracts. Roofing contractors charge clients based on the square footage of their roofs with prices going up to $550 for 100 square feet to do either a tear-off or a replacement. You don’t need to have a degree to become a roofer. While most companies prefer applicants who have experience, many others are willing to train people who are willing to work hard. If you have a truck and are interested in starting your own roofing company, you will need to obtain a contractor’s license and a company insurance policy with requirements varying depending on the state where you live.
Minecraft Server Hosting Companies
Ok, this one is challenging, and talk about the level of dedication involved, but if you are determined enough to launch your own business, this endeavor has the potential to become extremely profitable. As in any business, you will need to market your services and build a client base, but that comes after considering the overhead needed for start-up, the costs involved in web and machine hosting, developing your billing system, launching your domain, and hiring a team of technical staff. Oh, and don’t skimp on hardware either. Your everyday PC isn’t going to cut it. You will need to go with a multicore system equipped with loads of memory.
If you are business-minded and technically inclined, you are probably nodding your head and considering Minecraft hosting, but if you are feeling overwhelmed and utterly lost halfway through this paragraph, you may want to opt for another business endeavor. Just consider the potential salary before you jump to the next occupation on the list. Successful Minecraft server hosting companies rack in millions of dollars per year. Did that change your mind?
T-Shirt Printing
Most people would drool at the idea of making millions, but many of those same people have no clue about computer systems beyond managing their social media accounts. T-shirt printing probably won’t make you a millionaire, but it’s still a very profitable business to pursue with many T-shirting printing companies rolling in $100,000 annually. Not bad for printing T-shirts and this career is much easier to pursue than hosting your own Minecraft server.
The start-up costs for a T-shirt printing business are relatively low. It will run you anywhere from $250 up to ten thousand dollars to buy a T-shirt printer depending on the size of the printer and the additional features that it offers. You will also need to buy a batch of plain T-shirts and other supplies such as ink and toner. Of course, you will still need to build up a clientele and market your products, but everyone wears T-shirts, so that shouldn’t be too difficult. If you would rather apply for a job at a print shop that’s already up and running, you can expect to earn about $13 per hour. This is an excellent career option for those who are artistic and creative, but who also need a steady paycheck.
Tree Removal Services
This is another highly profitable occupation that doesn’t require a college degree but being certified in heavy equipment operation would definitely help you to get your foot in the door. The basic requirements for a job in the tree removal business are a high school education, a driver’s license, and the ability to operate basic equipment such as a chain saw. It may also be helpful if you are bilingual as you will likely be working with a diverse crew and landscaping experience is usually preferred, but not necessarily a requirement. If you become employed as a tree service technician and begin working with an already established company, you can expect to earn approximately $38,000 per year. Now getting back to operating heaving equipment, most tree removal services hire crane operators to safely remove large trees. While you would need to obtain a certification to become a crane operator, your pay rate would increase significantly with crane operators earning around $52,000 annually.
These are just several jobs that are unique and profitable, but certainly there are many more. When deciding on a career, consider two main aspects: passion and paycheck. While it is always best to strive for a career that you are passionate about and will thoroughly enjoy, at the end of the day, you are still going to need to put food on the table. If any of these careers sound interesting to you, by all means, do further research and take the necessary steps to get your foot in the door, but if you are still on the fence as to your career choice, brainstorm more ideas. With a little creativity mixed with hard work and determination, you can find the career that right for you and is also unique and profitable.
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