How Can I Prevent Burglaries In My Home?

By Chad No comments

Are you concerned for your home’s security? You’re far from alone. Home safety is a hot button issue in the United States for many homeowners and renters alike, with many fearing the loss of their belongings or the compromising of their family’s safety when they’re sleeping or at work. It’s frustrating to have thousands of […]

Should You Consider Repairing or Replacing Your Smart Phone or iPhone

By Chad No comments

There are many many iPhones on the market, as a matter of fact there are over 100 million iPhone users presently in the US. They use their iPhones for a variety of tasks, not just talking and texting. Nearly half of Americans check emails on their phones including while they are off work or on […]

The Importance of Having a High Quality Website for Your Business

By Chad No comments

Too many businesses have horrible websites nowadays. This isn’t the 1990s anywhere when it was acceptable — almost a right of passage — to have a disgusting website layout. Now, even if your product or service that you offer is the best of its kind, if your online marketing presence and website is not up […]

Location Intelligence and What it’s Used for

By Chad No comments

What is location intelligence? This is the process that is used in order to find out geographical relationships. It helps to solve problems by layering different sets of data and referencing it on a map. Location intelligence software is used in different kinds of industries, categories and organizations. About 80% of all data has some […]

The ‘De-Wiring’ of the Modern Office

By Chad No comments

Do you know what a “party line” is? Or a “rotary dial” phone? How about a “switchboard”? Or “exchange letters” on a telephone number? It’s entirely possible you’ve never heard of any of these things, because they’re all outmoded aspects of the telecommunication industry. Have you heard of VoIP? Video conferencing? Voice and data network […]

Four Overlooked Safety Hazards Associated With Construction Services

By Chad No comments

Construction services make up a large part of the industry in the United States. Around 10% percent of the market share makes the construction industry the second largest industry worldwide, with 7.8 million workers in the industry. With this large of an industry it only makes sense that there are some safety issues that may […]

Take Your Business Forward — Implementing the Right Strategies With an Advertising Firm

By Chad No comments

Starting a business and taking it on a journey towards success is not a small task, and neither is taking an existing business and turning its fortunes. When it comes to businesses, perception is a major driving force. How people perceive your business plays the most important part in deciding whether you have new customers, […]

Creating a Website? 4 Reasons Your Web Design Package is Important

By Chad No comments

In today’s increasingly digital market, it’s important to have a strong web presence. More and more people are using their smartphones and computers to shop for goods and services online, which means your business needs a great website design. If you already have a website, perhaps it’s time for an update. Things happen quickly on […]

3 Things You Need to Know About Audio Video System Maintenance

By Chad No comments

You?ve purchased your audio video equipment from a trusted audio video company some time ago, but maintenance is something that never crossed your mind. The thought may have come to you before, but only when you were looking to use your equipment. To save money on audio video repairs services and extend the life of […]

Looking for a New TV? Here Are Some Tips to Help You Find the Right One

By Chad No comments

Television has certainly come a long way. from three channels, black and white and bulky to hundreds or thousands of channels, color and flat or curved screens, the technology certainly has changed. The programming, too has made great strides. Not that “I Live Lucy” and “The Honeymooners” were not amazing, they were but we have […]