How Cost Efficient Is the Cloud?

By Chad No comments

Cloud hosting is cost efficient. That much has become apparent in recent years. Surveys have found that 82% of companies saved money after switching from their former dedicated server hosting solutions to cloud hosting services, that 25% of companies reduced their IT costs thanks to cloud servers, and that 55% of companies became more efficient […]

Three Money Saving Questions You Need to Ask a Business Printing Service Before Finalizing a Project

By Chad No comments

Stop the presses! Literally! Before you OK any project, you first need to ask the business printing service a few things. Otherwise, the project may wind up costing you a whole lot more than you thought it would. If We Make It a Little Bit Smaller, How Much Would That Save? Believe it or not, […]

The Top 3 Questions about PPC Marketing, Answered

By Chad No comments

The best way to bring qualified visitors to your company’s website is to improve your rankings on search engines through a process called search engine optimization. But if your organic SEO company isn’t providing results quickly enough, you may want to look into supplementing SEO efforts with a pay-per-click campaign. Here’s what you need to […]

Why Companies Need to Incorporate Creative Graphics in Order to Create Brand Awareness

By Chad No comments

Most people would recognize the “swoosh” symbol that represents Nike, or Coca Cola’s infamous red and white logo, before even seeing the company name. This isn’t due to some sort of psychic abilities we’ve developed over time, as cool as that would be, but rather from years of dedicated branding and advertising efforts. Companies strive […]

Should Your Company Invest in Leak Testing Services?

By Chad No comments

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a leak of 1 kilogram of refrigerant solution can cause as much damage to the environment as driving a van 10,000 miles. For this reason, it is important that companies in a number of different industries, including automotive and refrigeration manufacturing, institute leak testing standards to guarantee that their […]

Digital Asset Management How Can it Help Your Company?

By Chad No comments

If your company deploys software licenses on it’s various computer systems, having a system to track and manage those licenses is critical. Investing in digital asset management is often the best way to avoid fees and legal fines associated with software ownership. What is Digital Asset Management? Digital asset management solutions come equipped with various […]

New Survey Indicates That IT Consultants in Healthcare Industry are Increasingly Likely to Rely on Cloud

By Chad No comments

According to a new study conducted by Frost and Sullivan, about 50% of IT consultants in U.S. and European healthcare companies have moved either some or all of their enterprise communications over to cloud. The survey polled over 150 decision makers in order to determine the extent to which cloud is becoming integrated in the […]

How Small Business Web Design Can Yield Big Results

By Chad No comments

Remember the good ol’ days of the internet (if there ever was such a thing). In 1994, Microsoft launched its first website, chock full of randomly misplaced graphics, lack of typographic hierarchy, and a rather peculiar, starry background which took attention away from the links. All in all, it was a hot mess. Add dial […]

Tips for Internet Safety

By Chad No comments

The Internet can be a vastly useful tool for learning and communication — but there’s emphasis on the word “vast.” Cyberspace is huge, and getting bigger all the time, if you can believe it. If you think it might be out there, it probably already is, and for a lot of it… let’s just say […]

How Cloud is Shaping the Future of Robotics

By Chad No comments

You may not have been paying close attention to the robotics industry lately, but there are a lot of interesting things going on among people who make machines fight and pick things up for a living, among other tasks. One of the more intriguing — if highly experimental — segments of robot design right now […]