The Benefits of a Cloud-Based Point of Sales System

By Chad No comments

Most companies are constantly on the lookout for better, more efficient ways of doing business. The more they can accomplish in a short amount of time, the more they can actually get done, which often drives sales and revenue. In recent years, newer point of sales equipment has helped several industries achieve this goal. Some […]

Three Ways to Attract More Customers

By Chad No comments

Did you know that more than two billion people now use the internet worldwide? Since the internet is a broadcast medium, it is possible to reach large amounts of people using the internet. This is especially helpful for businesses because it allows them to attract more customers. However, in order to draw more customers to […]

Three Ways Your Small Business Could Outsource Without Compromising Quality

By Chad No comments

Small businesses face a lot of challenges. A startup often operates for several years before it begins turning a profit, requiring substantial investment on the part of its owners. The profit margin, even when a small business is doing well, is a lot lower than what large corporations typically experience. So it’s no surprise that […]

Three Ways You Can Get Top Quality Web Design for Your Company’s Website

By Chad No comments

It’s important to have a professionally designed website. Online consumers are fickle. They’re not going to hold your hand through the process of their web search. If they get to your site and it takes too long to load, or it’s poorly optimized for their tablet, they’re not going to wait patiently for your site […]

Three Tips for Avoiding a Romeo and Juliet SEO Tragedy

By Chad No comments

If Shakespeare were alive today, he might say: “SEO, thou art more elusive than a day off work, and nowhere near as relaxing.” What is SEO, exactly, when it comes to your business? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. If you want to see your company’s website perform better in search results, this is something […]

Three Ways to Create a More Ergonomic Work Place

By Chad No comments

Believe it or not, one of every three dollars of Workers’ Comp goes towards paying for occupational musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) that come as a result of poor ergonomics in the workplace. These MSDs affect the nerves, muscles, and tendons of several body parts, including the lower back, the neck, and the upper extremities. The most […]

Five Smart Questions You Need to Ask when Searching for an SEO Company

By Chad No comments

By now, you no doubt realize that if you want to get noticed on the worldwide web, you have to find search engine optimization services. With Google fielding more than 100 billion searches a month, according to Search Engine Land, and eCommerce spending expected to reach more than $1.5 trillion globally by the end of […]

What’s the Technology Behind Hosted VoIP Solutions?

By Chad No comments

Hosted VoIP solutions have quickly become an essential telecommunications technology in the business world. As writes, hosted VoIP solutions are renowned for their ability to increase the number of calls businesses can handle at any given time, while bringing a future-proof, constantly updated technology to business owners. Of course, one of the biggest benefits […]

WordPress for Web Design Deploys Grassroots Design Tactics

By Chad No comments

A free and open source blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL, WordPress for web design is a grassroots platform when it comes to web design. Custom WordPress development is among the most accessible tools to companies today. Enlisting meta tags and original coding, WordPress for web design promotes […]

The Three Current Trends in Cloud Solutions That Many Didn’t See Coming

By Chad No comments

Cloud computing has been in the news frequently as of the past month or so. Cisco’s announcement that they would be spending an incredible $1 billion in developing their own cloud technology stirred up a lot of industry discussion. Amazon and Google, among other top players, have continued to make price cuts to their services […]