What Are Some Of The Strangest — and Most Successful — Billboard Ads?

By Chad No comments

“Seventy-one percent of us ‘often look at the messages on roadside billboards (traditional and digital combined) and more than one-third (37%) report looking at an outdoor ad each or most of the time they pass one,’” according to The Arbitron National In-Car Study and Business Insider. In other words, if you do not invest in […]

How to Optimize Printer Usage

By Chad No comments

Since 2009, the ink manufacturing business in the United States has seen an annual growth rate of 6.9%. As a result, it is now often easier than ever to find printing supplies, from ink cartridges to printer toner, that last longer, waste less product, and maximize your printer usage. However, with so many products available, […]

Three Great Reasons to Use Social Media Marketing

By Chad No comments

To some businesses, social media marketing seems silly. Who cares about getting “likes,” “shares,” and “followers,” when there are bigger things to be concerned about, like increasing revenue? What these companies don’t realize is that social media marketing does help businesses improve their sales. If it didn’t, why then would any company in their right […]

You May Want to Invest Answering Services for Your Small Business

By Chad No comments

Do you run your own small business, but your infrastructure is somewhat limited? You may find that you could benefit from a small business answering service so that you can more readily respond to the questions, concerns, and requests of customers. The industry that includes live telephone answering services has brought in about $10 billion […]

TV Advertising — Worth It or Not?

By Chad No comments

In recent years, online marketing has emerged as a solid way to promote any company. Millions of people log into the web on a daily basis to check email, conduct searches, and buy products online. With the explosion of mobile devices, people are more connected than ever before. But for critics that say this means […]

How to Create a Consistent Brand Image For Your Company

By Chad No comments

Creating a company brand has traditionally involved finding creative answers to a number of question, such as how to design a good logo to represent your business, or how to create a good web page design. However, due to the influence of the internet and social media on consumer’s shopping habits, the focus has shifted; […]

Three Disadvantages to Police Car Video Systems

By Chad No comments

Did you know that nearly three quarters of police cars now have police car video cameras? This means that a large majority of police offers have video surveillance to back up their claim for speeding tickets, traffic violations, and other major or minor offenses. For most people, this means that arguing in court, or claiming […]

Four Digital Marketing Services that Every Small Business Can Use

By Chad No comments

When it comes to advertising in the 21st century, print isn’t the most compelling medium for many consumers. Attracting customers locally to small businesses relies on a great web presences, but this isn’t usually easy to accomplish without the digital marketing services of a professional agency. But what kinds of services should a small business […]

Mail Inventory Management Tips for Small Businesses

By Chad No comments

Did you know that, according to CNN Money, home mail delivery could soon be a thing of the past for 15 million of the 37 million American business and homes that currently receive it? The U.S. Postal service has been recording billions of dollars worth of losses every year, and has been able to show […]

Three Effective Ways to Attract More Customers

By Chad No comments

Did you know that more than two billion people now use the internet? As a result, SEO, or search engine optimization, has become one of the most effective ways to attract more business. SEO helps with brand recognition, search engine rankings, and online presence capabilities, which makes it an effective internet marketing strategy. There are […]