How to Speak Like an Expert on File Sharing

By Chad No comments

How do you keep your information safe? File sharing programs are commonplace and can be a minefield of viruses and spam. In 2011 alone there were 535 data breach occurrences in the USA, causing the theft of over 30 million consumer records. The information security conversation is more lively than ever. Here’s a handy guide […]

Three Signs That Your Pharmacy Needs an Updated POS System

By Chad No comments

Does your pharmacy need an updated POS system? If you really aren’t sure, here are a few warning signs that your business is in desperate need of a tech update, and that your point of sale system is the first place to start: Your shelves are empty and you have trouble keeping certain items stocked. […]

How To Do Local SEO In Four Easy Steps

By Chad No comments

It might feel like late-night emails suck up most of your time, but the reality is that search is the most common activity on the Web in 2015. In fact, 93% of all online experiences start with a search engine, and we’re not talking about Bing. According to a study by Pew Internet, 58% of […]

5 Ways to Get More Effective PPC Keywords

By Chad No comments

When it comes to pay per click search engine advertising — paying to have your links displayed under the paid results section when searchers type in certain words or phrases — getting the right keywords is one of the biggest factors that can determine your success or failure. Choosing the right ones both will bring […]

These Three Numbers Prove How Important a Disaster Recovery Plan Really Is

By Chad No comments

If you’re in charge of managing the security systems and network designs of a business, the most important thing you can do to protect the company is to create a disaster recovery plan (or turn to an IT services company that can help you create one). If you don’t believe that disaster recovery plans really […]

Four Questions You Need to Ask When Choosing a Cloud Computing Company

By Chad No comments

One of the greatest developments in business technology from the last decade is cloud computing. As Forbes details, by taking advantage of cloud brokerage services, businesses looking to step into the the modern era will likely find that transition much smoother. The best cloud services brokers, as the source points out, provide companies, like yours, […]

Two Major Components of Network Protocols

By Chad No comments

Data delivery methods are an essential part of online transactions for any business. From sending an email and building a website to sharing documents on a cloud, data delivery services provides the oil needed by businesses to exchange digital information. There are a number of data delivery methods and data loss prevention solutions to choose […]

Five Things Every Business Needs To Know About B2B Marketing

By Chad No comments

“B2B”: It’s a simple acronym standing for “business to business,” and it’s the term used to describe when businesses exchange services or information with other businesses, rather than making transactions with consumers. Here are just a few basic points about B2B exchanges, and how they play an important role in your long-term marketing success: B2B […]

5 Things You Should Expect From a Great Printing Company

By Chad No comments

Even in a digital world, print marketing is far from dead — in fact, more than three-fourths of small businesses say they’d prefer to incorporate both online and print elements in their marketing campaigns. Whether your business is a storefront that needs aisle signs or a primarily online business that wants to open up new […]

Proposal Management Software Making RFPs O’AK

By Chad No comments

Contracting is an inherently risky business. After all, the business involves intense competition in order to get a job. Contractors unsuccessful in winning a bid are often out-of-luck and unable to do anything. Contractors that bid on Requests For Proposal (RFP) can face stiff rivalry from other contractors. Especially for RFPs that involve million-dollar projects, […]