Put Your Faith in Online Marketing

By Chad No comments

As a small business owner, you need to put your faith in online marketing services. They can give you the competitive edge you need to compete. Here’s how. You Need to Rank Well on Google. – Here’s the thing. When people are looking for a store or a service, they go online. About 93% of […]

Document Management Software Improves Billing Services for Mental Health care Providers

By Chad No comments

Are you a mental health care provider looking to improve your mental health billing service or behavioral health billing services? You need to seek out a software company that can give you a total billing solution that will keep you free from insurance hassles and professional in front of your patients. With a web-based practice […]

4 Things To Expect With a Good Cloud Service Broker

By Chad No comments

Understanding exactly what cloud broker services are and why businesses need them isn’t always easy — after all, isn’t cloud computing supposed to make things easier for businesses in the tech world? While cloud services definitely have some great advantages on their own, getting some assistance from cloud broker companies is just another benefit that […]

Tips to Make Sweepstakes Work for You

By Chad No comments

So, your company wants to run a sweepstakes.  That’s a great idea. It gets your brand exposure with a new demographic.  They are a very cost effective way that marketers have branded products for decades.  The mere act of putting on a sweepstakes ups the number of people who will interact with the brand and […]

The 3 Biggest IT Managed Services Trends of 2015

By Chad No comments

Computers are all around us — and chances are, your business likely depends on computers and computer servers in order to operate at an optimal level. And whether your business has already invested in the help of managed services providers or it’s still on the fence about outsourcing its IT services, it’s hard to deny […]

Read This Before Your Next Doctor Visit

By Chad No comments

These days it’s hard to find someone whose life hasn’t been touched by cancer in some way. The current statistics say that while the chances of contracting cancer in your lifetime is still somewhat high, 1 in 2 for men or 1 in 3 for women, in the general the deaths from cancer are slowly […]

How A POS System Will Change The Way You Do Business

By Chad No comments

One common denominator in restaurant work is the type of restaurant computer systems used by that restaurant. Food service workers who have made a career out of serving, bartending, or other hospitality services probably know a variety of POS systems for restaurants backwards and forwards. Naturally, there are some restaurant computer systems that are superior […]

If Your Customers are on Hold, So are Your Profits

By Chad No comments

It’s easy to take it for granted, but whenever we have a problem with a product or service, there’s almost always someone on call who can help resolve it. While not every business offers 24/7 answering services with live agents, more and more are making this type of customer service a top priority. It’s been […]

4 of the Weirdest Internet of Things Devices Out There

By Chad No comments

Internet of Things designers have good intentions. They want to improve the world around us by connecting it to the Internet, making everything measurable so that it can be made more efficient. And when they say “everything,” they mean “everything,” even some things you never would have thought needed to be connected to the Internet. […]

3 Tips for a Better Web Design

By Chad No comments

The purpose of creating a great web design for your business is pretty simple: when first impressions are 94% design-related, and your business relies heavily on generating leads through online marketing, your website is the first thing that potential customers see and the design of your website influences whether or not they choose to become […]