How Automated Telephone Answering Services Help Businesses Do More Business

By Chad No comments

In the business world there will always be competitors fighting to take your customer base away from you. Perhaps your competitors are able to generate more revenue, market to customers better, or are just more handsome than your guys — these are areas where you can make little impact. The problem that most businesses make […]

The 4 Main IT Service Pricing Models

By Chad No comments

Today, information technology has to do with a lot more than just making sure the computers turn on and the software is up to date. Better technology is offering businesses — small and medium-sized businesses, in particular — more and more options when it comes to network setup services, cloud computing, VOIP solutions (voice over […]

3 Dying Web Design Trends That You Should Retire Already

By Chad No comments

In 2015, the way your website looks to Internet users may be more important for your business than ever before. Studies show that the average user will make an impression about an entire brand after viewing its website for less than 10 seconds! As a result, you can’t afford to work with PR companies that […]

Brand Development and Digital Agencies

By Chad No comments

Digital Agencies Digitial innovation companies are a fairly new asset to the entrepreneurial world. These digital agencies are able to help businesses learn how to market their websites, products and services. Having a site that stands out can be the difference between a potential customer picking you or the competing company. Even 69% of marketers […]

Hire the Right Electrical Contracting Company

By Chad No comments

Power outages cause a lot of problems in the United States. They cost nearly $80 billion a year. Several times a year, parts of the country will experience a short blackout. These incidents cost the economy between $104 and $164 billion. When a call center experiences downtime, it will cost the company more than $50,000 […]

Which Do You Prefer–Quality or Quantity?

By Chad No comments

Quality or quantity? Which is best? It’s a question that comes up pretty often in life. Is it better to do many reps of the same exercise, or is it more important to focus on the quality of just a few repetitions of that exercise? Should you buy 18 pairs of shoes that catch your […]

Digital Camera or DSLR, Which Is Right for Me?

By Chad No comments

People like to take pictures. In a recent white paper, Facebook reported that every one if its users have uploaded an average of 217 photos each, for a total of 250 billion and an additional 350 million a day. Pinterest, reported that, as of April 2014 there were 30 billion pins used across 260 mullion […]

3 of the Weirdest Things That Have Been Connected to the Internet

By Chad No comments

Internet of Things designers have created innovative designs for a plethora of different, previously analog devices, some of which are fairly logical things to innovate, while others aren’t as much. Here are just a few of the weirdest innovations the Internet of Things has so far delivered. A Trash Can That Posts to Facebook. – […]

5 Things To Look for in a Great Cloud Services Broker

By Chad No comments

Picking out which cloud computing services to use can be incredibly tricky and time-consuming, especially for anyone who isn’t really familiar with the industry of cloud computing. Since picking out services can be so hard, shouldn’t it be easier to pick out cloud broker services that will help you with the process? Here are a […]

The Top 2 Key Reasons That Your Business Needs to Keep Tabs on Battery Maintenance

By Chad No comments

Many people think that stationary batteries are something that only electric utility companies and heavy industrial facilities have a need for. If you own a business, you know that nothing could be further from the truth. Stationary battery installations are now a common demand in all places of work, from data centers to financial institutions […]